Below is an archive of Las Musas's FREE webinar series connecting our authors with readers, writers, and educators around the globe!
Archived Webinars...
April 11, 2021 at 5pm EST (4pm CST)
Paths to Publication
Join Rebecca Balcárcel, Anika Fajardo, Loriel Ryon, and Vanessa Torres as this mix of middle-grade and YA writers have a lively discussion of our varied paths to publication.
Paths to Publication
Join Rebecca Balcárcel, Anika Fajardo, Loriel Ryon, and Vanessa Torres as this mix of middle-grade and YA writers have a lively discussion of our varied paths to publication.
Jan. 13, 2021, at 3pm EST
Book Journeys: Our Path to Picture Books: Zara González Hoang & Alexandra Alessandri in conversation
Join Zara González Hoang, author-illustrator of A NEW KIND OF WILD (Dial Books, April 2020) and Alexandra Alessandri, author of FELIZ NEW YEAR, AVA GABRIELA! (Albert Whitman, October 2020) as they explore their individual book journeys and provide an insider’s look at what it takes to write, illustrate, and publish a children’s picture book.
Book Journeys: Our Path to Picture Books: Zara González Hoang & Alexandra Alessandri in conversation
Join Zara González Hoang, author-illustrator of A NEW KIND OF WILD (Dial Books, April 2020) and Alexandra Alessandri, author of FELIZ NEW YEAR, AVA GABRIELA! (Albert Whitman, October 2020) as they explore their individual book journeys and provide an insider’s look at what it takes to write, illustrate, and publish a children’s picture book.
October 28 at 7 pm EST
Book Journeys with Nikki Barthelmess and Amparo Ortiz
Want to know what it takes to become a published author? Las Musas members and authors, Amparo Ortiz and Nikki Barthelmess, take you on a unique behind-the-scenes book journey! They will describe in detail how they took their books from idea to publication. They will also answer all your questions about the process.
This webinar will discuss:
-How did we come up with the idea to start writing our books?
-What methods we used to draft our manuscripts.
-How we conducted the reasearch necessary to make our stories as realistic as possible.
-How we worked with critique partners and BETA readers.
-What feedback we received from our literary agents.
-How was the submission process to publishers like. (Hint: nerve wrecking!)
-What happened when we got a book deal?
-How did we work with editors and inclusivity readers to polish our manuscript.
-How did we prepare for our book release date?
-We answer your questions.
Book Journeys with Nikki Barthelmess and Amparo Ortiz
Want to know what it takes to become a published author? Las Musas members and authors, Amparo Ortiz and Nikki Barthelmess, take you on a unique behind-the-scenes book journey! They will describe in detail how they took their books from idea to publication. They will also answer all your questions about the process.
This webinar will discuss:
-How did we come up with the idea to start writing our books?
-What methods we used to draft our manuscripts.
-How we conducted the reasearch necessary to make our stories as realistic as possible.
-How we worked with critique partners and BETA readers.
-What feedback we received from our literary agents.
-How was the submission process to publishers like. (Hint: nerve wrecking!)
-What happened when we got a book deal?
-How did we work with editors and inclusivity readers to polish our manuscript.
-How did we prepare for our book release date?
-We answer your questions.
August 17 at 3pm EST
Join Ismée Williams for a discussion with debut YA author and costume designer Jacqueline Firkins about the creation and publication of HEARTS, STRINGS, AND OTHER BREAKABLE THINGS, a modern retelling of Mansfield Park! A live Q&A will follow and Jacqueline will reveal the giveaway dress that she has been creating for Ismée's book, THIS TRAIN IS BEING HELD! Tune in for a chance to win!
Join Ismée Williams for a discussion with debut YA author and costume designer Jacqueline Firkins about the creation and publication of HEARTS, STRINGS, AND OTHER BREAKABLE THINGS, a modern retelling of Mansfield Park! A live Q&A will follow and Jacqueline will reveal the giveaway dress that she has been creating for Ismée's book, THIS TRAIN IS BEING HELD! Tune in for a chance to win!
July 26th at 4PM (est)
Tremendous Tweens with Reina Luz Alegre, Rebecca Balcarcel, and Anika Fajardo (hosted by Wild Rumpus Books)
Meet Zoey, Eddie, and Quijana, three mixed Latinx tweens who are on a mission to help their families, to discover their true selves, and have a little adventure and fun along the way. Join Latinx authors Reina Luz Alegre, Rebecca Balcárcel, and Anika Fajardo as they explore how dual-culture kids find their footing as they straddle two worlds. This conversation will be fun for kids and adults alike. (link coming soon)
Tremendous Tweens with Reina Luz Alegre, Rebecca Balcarcel, and Anika Fajardo (hosted by Wild Rumpus Books)
Meet Zoey, Eddie, and Quijana, three mixed Latinx tweens who are on a mission to help their families, to discover their true selves, and have a little adventure and fun along the way. Join Latinx authors Reina Luz Alegre, Rebecca Balcárcel, and Anika Fajardo as they explore how dual-culture kids find their footing as they straddle two worlds. This conversation will be fun for kids and adults alike. (link coming soon)
June 17, 3PM (est) - RESCHEDULED from 6/10
CRAFT INSIGHT: Writing Multiple POVs LIVE Discussion & Q & A
A character's voice can make or break a novel. When done right it can even carry a weak plot and destroy hearts. Finding your main character can be a difficult task, but what happens when more than one POV drives your story?
Authors Jenny Torres Sanchez (We Are Not From Here), Mia García (The Resolutions), and moderator Alexandra Villasante (The Grief Keeper) take you through how they created their multiple POV books, how they found their character's voices, and how they made them unique.
This will be a LIVE discussion with a Q&A to follow.
CRAFT INSIGHT: Writing Multiple POVs LIVE Discussion & Q & A
A character's voice can make or break a novel. When done right it can even carry a weak plot and destroy hearts. Finding your main character can be a difficult task, but what happens when more than one POV drives your story?
Authors Jenny Torres Sanchez (We Are Not From Here), Mia García (The Resolutions), and moderator Alexandra Villasante (The Grief Keeper) take you through how they created their multiple POV books, how they found their character's voices, and how they made them unique.
This will be a LIVE discussion with a Q&A to follow.
June 14th, 5PM (est) -- RESCHEDULED from 6/7
Parents in Middle-Grade Fiction with Reina Luz Alegre and Anika Fajardo
Why are the parents so often absent or dead in middle-grade novels?
Join middle-grade authors Reina Luz Alegre (The Dream Weaver) and Anika Fajardo (What If a Fish) as they discuss the role of fictional parents (or the lack thereof) in middle-grade and the role of family, particularly in Latinx lit. Bring your questions about writing and reading about parents and family and learn more about these authors' debut books.
Parents in Middle-Grade Fiction with Reina Luz Alegre and Anika Fajardo
Why are the parents so often absent or dead in middle-grade novels?
Join middle-grade authors Reina Luz Alegre (The Dream Weaver) and Anika Fajardo (What If a Fish) as they discuss the role of fictional parents (or the lack thereof) in middle-grade and the role of family, particularly in Latinx lit. Bring your questions about writing and reading about parents and family and learn more about these authors' debut books.
June 11, 4PM (est)
CRAFT INSIGHT: How to outline, plot and structure your novel
When it comes to plot and structure, writing a book is like building a house. You have to get the framing right, or the whole thing will collapse. In this webinar, we will give you a simple framework to get you started on your plotting journey. You will learn about the basic principles of narrative structure and how to apply them. Plus how to use plot and structure to build tension and raise your stakes.
Using our own experience, we will teach you to create a simple bookmap that will serve as the basis for your story’s dramatic action, character’s emotional development and thematic significance.
Featuring Mayra Cuevas (Salty, Bitter Sweet) and Ismee Williams (This Train is Being Held)
CRAFT INSIGHT: How to outline, plot and structure your novel
When it comes to plot and structure, writing a book is like building a house. You have to get the framing right, or the whole thing will collapse. In this webinar, we will give you a simple framework to get you started on your plotting journey. You will learn about the basic principles of narrative structure and how to apply them. Plus how to use plot and structure to build tension and raise your stakes.
Using our own experience, we will teach you to create a simple bookmap that will serve as the basis for your story’s dramatic action, character’s emotional development and thematic significance.
Featuring Mayra Cuevas (Salty, Bitter Sweet) and Ismee Williams (This Train is Being Held)
MAY 29th, 12 noon (est)
#AskAgent Live Q&A Session with Literary Agent Kristina Perez
Las Musas authors Mayra Cuevas and Kristina Perez share everything you need to know about literary agents. Kristina is an associate agent at the Zeno Literary Agency in London, specializing in science fiction, fantasy and horror.
Kristina represents young adult, middle grade, fantasy, science fiction, romance, and non-fiction.
In this webinar we will discuss:
-What makes a project publishable?
-The role of an agent
-Query letters that work
-What should be in your synopsis
-Who should I query?
-How to approach agents via cold query emails and writers’ conferences.
-Agency representation agreements
-Your questions answered!
#AskAgent Live Q&A Session with Literary Agent Kristina Perez
Las Musas authors Mayra Cuevas and Kristina Perez share everything you need to know about literary agents. Kristina is an associate agent at the Zeno Literary Agency in London, specializing in science fiction, fantasy and horror.
Kristina represents young adult, middle grade, fantasy, science fiction, romance, and non-fiction.
In this webinar we will discuss:
-What makes a project publishable?
-The role of an agent
-Query letters that work
-What should be in your synopsis
-Who should I query?
-How to approach agents via cold query emails and writers’ conferences.
-Agency representation agreements
-Your questions answered!
May 21th, 4PM (est)
Legal Stuff for Writers: How to Stay Out of Trouble and Not Get Sued (with LIVE Q&A)
Las Musas author, Mayra Cuevas, will be in conversation with media attorney and YA author Gilly Segal, about the legal stuff all authors (and aspiring authors) should know. You will learn basic concepts of some laws related to publishing that will help you stay out of legal trouble. Gilly Segal is the co-author of the NAACP Image Award nominated YA novel I’m Not Dying with You Tonight and the Chief Legal Officer at an Atlanta advertising agency, specializing in advertising and digital and social media, intellectual property and technology transactions, including software and internet licensing agreements, online content transactions, sponsorship agreements, web based service agreements, and publishing and marketing.
Legal Stuff for Writers: How to Stay Out of Trouble and Not Get Sued (with LIVE Q&A)
Las Musas author, Mayra Cuevas, will be in conversation with media attorney and YA author Gilly Segal, about the legal stuff all authors (and aspiring authors) should know. You will learn basic concepts of some laws related to publishing that will help you stay out of legal trouble. Gilly Segal is the co-author of the NAACP Image Award nominated YA novel I’m Not Dying with You Tonight and the Chief Legal Officer at an Atlanta advertising agency, specializing in advertising and digital and social media, intellectual property and technology transactions, including software and internet licensing agreements, online content transactions, sponsorship agreements, web based service agreements, and publishing and marketing.
MAY 14th, 2PM (est)
CRAFT INSIGHT: OwnVoices Brainstorming: Mining Our Cultural Heritage and Memories for Stories
Join picture book authors Alexandra Alessandri and Joana Pastro as they discuss how they tapped into their respective cultures to inspire their stories. Alexandra and Joana will guide viewers through brainstorming exercises geared at finding story from within one's cultural heritage.
CRAFT INSIGHT: OwnVoices Brainstorming: Mining Our Cultural Heritage and Memories for Stories
Join picture book authors Alexandra Alessandri and Joana Pastro as they discuss how they tapped into their respective cultures to inspire their stories. Alexandra and Joana will guide viewers through brainstorming exercises geared at finding story from within one's cultural heritage.
MAY 7th, 4PM (est)
BOOK TALK: Ismée William Book Journey Interview with Zoraida Córdova
Join Ismée Williams for an insider interview with award-winning author, Zoraida Córdova. We discuss her newest release, the epic fantasy INCENDIARY!
BOOK TALK: Ismée William Book Journey Interview with Zoraida Córdova
Join Ismée Williams for an insider interview with award-winning author, Zoraida Córdova. We discuss her newest release, the epic fantasy INCENDIARY!
MAY 6th, 6PM (est)
CRAFT INSIGHT: Mental Health Webinar and Writing Workshop with Live Q&A; Part 2 of a Mental Health Series
Mental Health in Our Books, Our Communities, and Ourselves PART 2: Rocky Callen, debut author of A BREATH TOO LATE and NoNieqa Ramos, author of THE DISTURBED GIRL’S DICTIONARY will be in conversation about mental health representation in our books, helping youth with mental health challenges in our schools and our communities, and maintaining our mental health as writers. Participants will have access to creative exercises to help develop the psyche of their characters.
Authors Note: The purpose of this webinar for creative discussion. NoNieqa is not a mental health professional. While Rocky was a behavioral therapist, she will not be functioning in that capacity for our webinar. We are not qualified to give medical advice of any kind. If you need professional help, we encourage you to see a qualified medical professional.
Content warning of our books: depression, suicide, sex work, sexual assault, mass shooting
CRAFT INSIGHT: Mental Health Webinar and Writing Workshop with Live Q&A; Part 2 of a Mental Health Series
Mental Health in Our Books, Our Communities, and Ourselves PART 2: Rocky Callen, debut author of A BREATH TOO LATE and NoNieqa Ramos, author of THE DISTURBED GIRL’S DICTIONARY will be in conversation about mental health representation in our books, helping youth with mental health challenges in our schools and our communities, and maintaining our mental health as writers. Participants will have access to creative exercises to help develop the psyche of their characters.
Authors Note: The purpose of this webinar for creative discussion. NoNieqa is not a mental health professional. While Rocky was a behavioral therapist, she will not be functioning in that capacity for our webinar. We are not qualified to give medical advice of any kind. If you need professional help, we encourage you to see a qualified medical professional.
Content warning of our books: depression, suicide, sex work, sexual assault, mass shooting
MAY 2nd, 2PM (est)
CRAFT INSIGHT: LGBTQIA+Mental Health Webinar and Writing Workshop with Live Q&A. Part 1 in a Mental Health Series
Author of THE GRIEF KEEPER Alexandra Villasante and author of THE TRUTH IS NoNieqa Ramos will be in conversation about LGBTQIA+ mental health issues in our books, ourselves, and our community. We will talk about how to nurture our youth and ourselves as writers.
Note: We are not mental health professionals. We are not qualified to give medical advice of any kind. If you need professional help, we encourage you to see a qualified medical professional.
Content Warning for Our Books: depression, suicide, obsessive compulsive disorder, PTSD, homophobia, mass shooting
CRAFT INSIGHT: LGBTQIA+Mental Health Webinar and Writing Workshop with Live Q&A. Part 1 in a Mental Health Series
Author of THE GRIEF KEEPER Alexandra Villasante and author of THE TRUTH IS NoNieqa Ramos will be in conversation about LGBTQIA+ mental health issues in our books, ourselves, and our community. We will talk about how to nurture our youth and ourselves as writers.
Note: We are not mental health professionals. We are not qualified to give medical advice of any kind. If you need professional help, we encourage you to see a qualified medical professional.
Content Warning for Our Books: depression, suicide, obsessive compulsive disorder, PTSD, homophobia, mass shooting
APRIL 29, 4PM (est)
CHAT: Ismée Williams Interview and Q&A with THIS IS MY BRAIN IN LOVE award-winning author, I.W. Gregorio
Join Ismée Williams for an insider interview and live Q&A with #WeNeedDiverseBooks founding member and award-winning author I.W. Gregorio. Besides talking books, we'll discuss Ilene’s writing process and how she balances her career as a surgeon and her family, while writing important stories that we all want–and need–to hear.
CHAT: Ismée Williams Interview and Q&A with THIS IS MY BRAIN IN LOVE award-winning author, I.W. Gregorio
Join Ismée Williams for an insider interview and live Q&A with #WeNeedDiverseBooks founding member and award-winning author I.W. Gregorio. Besides talking books, we'll discuss Ilene’s writing process and how she balances her career as a surgeon and her family, while writing important stories that we all want–and need–to hear.
APRIL 24th, 12PM (est)
CRAFT INSIGHTS: World Building 101 with Kristina Pérez with LIVE Q&A
Do you love sci-fi and fantasy? Wondering how authors build their worlds from the ground up? Then sign up for the World Building 101 workshop, aimed at both readers and writers, for insight into creating complex, diverse worlds and techniques for developing your own. In this 60min interactive webinar, Kristina will guide you through the basics of world building with reference to popular YA and adult fantasy and sci-fi novels. Kristina Pérez is the author of YA Sci-Fi, The Tesla Legacy (Tor Teen, 2019) and the Sweet Black Waves trilogy which concludes this year with Bright Raven Skies (Imprint/Macmillan, August 25th 2020).
CRAFT INSIGHTS: World Building 101 with Kristina Pérez with LIVE Q&A
Do you love sci-fi and fantasy? Wondering how authors build their worlds from the ground up? Then sign up for the World Building 101 workshop, aimed at both readers and writers, for insight into creating complex, diverse worlds and techniques for developing your own. In this 60min interactive webinar, Kristina will guide you through the basics of world building with reference to popular YA and adult fantasy and sci-fi novels. Kristina Pérez is the author of YA Sci-Fi, The Tesla Legacy (Tor Teen, 2019) and the Sweet Black Waves trilogy which concludes this year with Bright Raven Skies (Imprint/Macmillan, August 25th 2020).
APRIL 23rd, 3PM (est)
CRAFT INSIGHT: Writing Difficult and Taboo Topics for Middle Grade with Aida Salazar
Explore how to write books based on real-life feelings and events not commonly seen in middle grade fiction. How can we use literature to help middle grade readers navigate the complexities and sometimes harsh realities of life? How do we incorporate taboo topics into our books while keeping young readers engaged and censors at bay?
CRAFT INSIGHT: Writing Difficult and Taboo Topics for Middle Grade with Aida Salazar
Explore how to write books based on real-life feelings and events not commonly seen in middle grade fiction. How can we use literature to help middle grade readers navigate the complexities and sometimes harsh realities of life? How do we incorporate taboo topics into our books while keeping young readers engaged and censors at bay?
APRIL 22nd, 4PM (est)
How to Diversify Your Library with Ismée Williams and Mayra Cuevas
Are you a teacher or a librarian interested in updating your book collection? Las Musas authors Ismée Williams and Mayra Cuevas will discuss why it’s important to have a diverse library and will share techniques to achieve this! Attendees will leave with book suggestions as well as sources for future reference.
How to Diversify Your Library with Ismée Williams and Mayra Cuevas
Are you a teacher or a librarian interested in updating your book collection? Las Musas authors Ismée Williams and Mayra Cuevas will discuss why it’s important to have a diverse library and will share techniques to achieve this! Attendees will leave with book suggestions as well as sources for future reference.
APRIL 16th, 4PM (est)
BOOK CLUB: Let's Talk About Two Amazing YA Romance Novels
In classic book club spirit two Musas sit down to discuss the pick of the month with time for audience Q&A at the end! We kick off our book club with two YA romance tittles!!! Mayra Cuevas' Salty, Bitter, Sweet and Ismée Williams' This Train is Being Held. Read the book, join our community, and get your questions ready!
BOOK CLUB: Let's Talk About Two Amazing YA Romance Novels
In classic book club spirit two Musas sit down to discuss the pick of the month with time for audience Q&A at the end! We kick off our book club with two YA romance tittles!!! Mayra Cuevas' Salty, Bitter, Sweet and Ismée Williams' This Train is Being Held. Read the book, join our community, and get your questions ready!
APRIL 15th, 7PM (est)
Picture Book Workshop and Q&A
Karla Valenti, debut author of MY SUPER SCIENCE picture book series that includes MARIE CURIE AND the POWER of RESISTANCE and ALAN TURING and the POWER of CURIOSITY (Source Books) and NoNieqa Ramos, debut picture book author of forthcoming YOUR MAMA, BEAUTY WOKE (Versify) and HAIRSTORY (Carolrhoda Lab) will read from their work, share writing resources, and teach a writing workshop on rhythmic verse, reinventing ideas, and story structure.
Picture Book Workshop and Q&A
Karla Valenti, debut author of MY SUPER SCIENCE picture book series that includes MARIE CURIE AND the POWER of RESISTANCE and ALAN TURING and the POWER of CURIOSITY (Source Books) and NoNieqa Ramos, debut picture book author of forthcoming YOUR MAMA, BEAUTY WOKE (Versify) and HAIRSTORY (Carolrhoda Lab) will read from their work, share writing resources, and teach a writing workshop on rhythmic verse, reinventing ideas, and story structure.
APRIL 14th, 3PM (est)
Our Voices Our Protest: Migrant Stories in Latinx Children’s Literature
Join Las Musas authors to discuss how their diverse books across genres and age groups defy the ”one-story” immigration narrative.
Our Voices Our Protest: Migrant Stories in Latinx Children’s Literature
Join Las Musas authors to discuss how their diverse books across genres and age groups defy the ”one-story” immigration narrative.
APRIL 11th, 4PM (est)
CRAFT INSIGHT: Fiction Writing For Teens: Have fun while crafting your own story! LIVE Session with Q&A
Forget about grades, exams, English Lit or “getting it right.” This webinar is about exploring your own creative potential — stress free. This Las Musas webinar is designed for teen writers ages 13-18, interested in writing fiction.
During the course of an hour we will discuss:
-The importance of exploring creative writing through observation, imagination, language
-The basic elements of a story: plot, characterization, setting, dialogue and point of view
-Fiction’s Golden Rule: Show, Don’t Tell
-How to use journaling to find the story that only you can tell
-Using fanfiction to get your feet wet
-Where to publish your work
CRAFT INSIGHT: Fiction Writing For Teens: Have fun while crafting your own story! LIVE Session with Q&A
Forget about grades, exams, English Lit or “getting it right.” This webinar is about exploring your own creative potential — stress free. This Las Musas webinar is designed for teen writers ages 13-18, interested in writing fiction.
During the course of an hour we will discuss:
-The importance of exploring creative writing through observation, imagination, language
-The basic elements of a story: plot, characterization, setting, dialogue and point of view
-Fiction’s Golden Rule: Show, Don’t Tell
-How to use journaling to find the story that only you can tell
-Using fanfiction to get your feet wet
-Where to publish your work
APRIL 9th, 6PM (est)
CRAFT INSIGHT: OwnVoices Worldbuilding: Turning Real Life Experiences Into Fantasy
How do you take your real-life experiences and turn them into meaningful fantasy settings?
Join two SFF authors, Francesca Flores (DIAMOND CITY) and Romina Garber (LOBIZONA, The ZODIAC Quartet), in discussing OwnVoices world building techniques.
In this webinar, Romina and Francesca will:
-discuss the process of creating unique fantasy worlds using their backgrounds and experiences
-explore how writers can incorporate real-world issues into a fantasy setting
-outline the intricate connection between world building and character development
-provide a writing exercise to help deepen the world and character
-discuss the pros and cons of using complex and simple world building techniques
-show examples of fantasy world building from ownvoices authors
-provide recommendations of ownvoices fantasy books
-answer questions
CRAFT INSIGHT: OwnVoices Worldbuilding: Turning Real Life Experiences Into Fantasy
How do you take your real-life experiences and turn them into meaningful fantasy settings?
Join two SFF authors, Francesca Flores (DIAMOND CITY) and Romina Garber (LOBIZONA, The ZODIAC Quartet), in discussing OwnVoices world building techniques.
In this webinar, Romina and Francesca will:
-discuss the process of creating unique fantasy worlds using their backgrounds and experiences
-explore how writers can incorporate real-world issues into a fantasy setting
-outline the intricate connection between world building and character development
-provide a writing exercise to help deepen the world and character
-discuss the pros and cons of using complex and simple world building techniques
-show examples of fantasy world building from ownvoices authors
-provide recommendations of ownvoices fantasy books
-answer questions
APRIL 8th, 8PM (est)
BOOK JOURNEYS: Switching Gears from Adult Books to Kidlit
What makes a book kidlit, and how do you transition from writing and publishing books for adults to writing and publishing for younger audiences?
Join two debut kidlit authors with previously published adult novels as they share their journey to the MG and YA markets. In this 60 minute interactive webinar, Chantel Acevedo, author of MUSE SQUAD (Balzer + Bray, July 7) and Natalia Sylvester, author of RUNNING (HMH, May 5) will provide insights and answer questions from a craft, publishing, and marketing perspective. The conversation will be tailored to writers in all stages of the process, from those just starting to write kidlit to those who have books forthcoming.
BOOK JOURNEYS: Switching Gears from Adult Books to Kidlit
What makes a book kidlit, and how do you transition from writing and publishing books for adults to writing and publishing for younger audiences?
Join two debut kidlit authors with previously published adult novels as they share their journey to the MG and YA markets. In this 60 minute interactive webinar, Chantel Acevedo, author of MUSE SQUAD (Balzer + Bray, July 7) and Natalia Sylvester, author of RUNNING (HMH, May 5) will provide insights and answer questions from a craft, publishing, and marketing perspective. The conversation will be tailored to writers in all stages of the process, from those just starting to write kidlit to those who have books forthcoming.
APRIL 4th, 2PM (est)
BOOK JOURNEY: Finding Home with Mia Garcia & Carmen Rodrigues
Is home more than a physical place? Is it the relationships that are forged along the way?
In this webinar, YA authors Mia García (The Resolutions) and Carmen Rodrigues (The Universal Laws of Marco) sit down to talk about "home" in their novels. From found families to friendship journeys to transitions into adulthood, what bonds characters together to make them stronger than anything an author can throw their way?
We'll also explore the writer's journey towards home: How is "home" found within the publishing industry? And, more importantly, within yourself?
Q&A to follow.
BOOK JOURNEY: Finding Home with Mia Garcia & Carmen Rodrigues
Is home more than a physical place? Is it the relationships that are forged along the way?
In this webinar, YA authors Mia García (The Resolutions) and Carmen Rodrigues (The Universal Laws of Marco) sit down to talk about "home" in their novels. From found families to friendship journeys to transitions into adulthood, what bonds characters together to make them stronger than anything an author can throw their way?
We'll also explore the writer's journey towards home: How is "home" found within the publishing industry? And, more importantly, within yourself?
Q&A to follow.
APRIL 1st, 3PM (est)
PUBLISHING INSIGHT: #AskEditor Live Session with Blink/HarperCollins Senior Editor
In this LIVE #AskEditor session, Las Musas author, Mayra Cuevas, talks to Blink/HarperCollins Senior Editor Jacque Alberta. Blink/HarperCollins published Mayra’s debut Salty, Bitter, Sweet. Mayra and Jacque worked together on the production of this YA foodie romance. They discuss everything from the acquisition process, the publishing industry, and more!
PUBLISHING INSIGHT: #AskEditor Live Session with Blink/HarperCollins Senior Editor
In this LIVE #AskEditor session, Las Musas author, Mayra Cuevas, talks to Blink/HarperCollins Senior Editor Jacque Alberta. Blink/HarperCollins published Mayra’s debut Salty, Bitter, Sweet. Mayra and Jacque worked together on the production of this YA foodie romance. They discuss everything from the acquisition process, the publishing industry, and more!
MARCH 30th, 2PM (est)
CRAFT INSIGHT: Identity, Privilege, Acceptance and Love, LIVE Writing Workshop with Q&A
Natasha Diaz, author of COLOR ME IN, and NoNieqa Ramos, author of THE TRUTH IS, will read poetry from their YA novels (virtual snapping welcomed), NoNieqa will lead an anti-racism writer’s meditation, and both will converse about the art of writing intersectional characters and share craft exercises for your writer’s tool kit.
CRAFT INSIGHT: Identity, Privilege, Acceptance and Love, LIVE Writing Workshop with Q&A
Natasha Diaz, author of COLOR ME IN, and NoNieqa Ramos, author of THE TRUTH IS, will read poetry from their YA novels (virtual snapping welcomed), NoNieqa will lead an anti-racism writer’s meditation, and both will converse about the art of writing intersectional characters and share craft exercises for your writer’s tool kit.
MARCH 25th, 2PM (est)
CRAFT & PUBLISHING INSIGHT: #AskAgent LIVE Session with VP/Senior Agent Saritza HernandezIt took Las Musas author, Mayra Cuevas two years and hundreds of rejections to land her dream agent. And when she did, a book contract soon followed. In this LIVE and free webinar Mayra talks to her agent Saritza Hernandez, VP/Sr. Literary Agent at the Corvisiero Literary Agency, about ways aspiring authors can increase their chances of representation.
CRAFT & PUBLISHING INSIGHT: #AskAgent LIVE Session with VP/Senior Agent Saritza HernandezIt took Las Musas author, Mayra Cuevas two years and hundreds of rejections to land her dream agent. And when she did, a book contract soon followed. In this LIVE and free webinar Mayra talks to her agent Saritza Hernandez, VP/Sr. Literary Agent at the Corvisiero Literary Agency, about ways aspiring authors can increase their chances of representation.
MARCH 24th, 4PM (est)
CRAFT & PUBLISHING INSIGHT: What is a Literary Agent and Why Do I Need One?
It took Las Musas author Ismée Williams five years and hundreds of query rejections to land her dream agent. A book contract soon followed. In this LIVE and free webinar Ismée interviews her agent Jim McCarthy, VP/Sr. Literary Agent at Dystel, Goderich & Bourret Literary Agency, on why authors need a literary agent and how to find one.
CRAFT & PUBLISHING INSIGHT: What is a Literary Agent and Why Do I Need One?
It took Las Musas author Ismée Williams five years and hundreds of query rejections to land her dream agent. A book contract soon followed. In this LIVE and free webinar Ismée interviews her agent Jim McCarthy, VP/Sr. Literary Agent at Dystel, Goderich & Bourret Literary Agency, on why authors need a literary agent and how to find one.
MARCH 19th, 4PM (est)
BOOK JOURNEY: How We Developed our YA Novel from Idea to Publication
Want to know what it takes to become a published author? Las Musas members and authors, Ismée Williams and Mayra Cuevas, take you on a unique book journey! They will describe in detail how they took their books from idea to publication. They will also answer all your questions about the process.
BOOK JOURNEY: How We Developed our YA Novel from Idea to Publication
Want to know what it takes to become a published author? Las Musas members and authors, Ismée Williams and Mayra Cuevas, take you on a unique book journey! They will describe in detail how they took their books from idea to publication. They will also answer all your questions about the process.