Lupe Ruiz-Flores
About your mentor...
Preferred Age Category: Picture Books Preferred Genre or Sub-Genres: all genres As a mentor I love working on: Outlining/structure of story. Areas of expertise/strengths as a mentor: Picture books and historical fiction Areas of weakness as a mentor: not great at querying help |
Lupe Ruiz-Flores, who is bilingual, has always been a writer at heart. Born and raised in southwest Texas, she’s also lived in Thailand and Japan. She comes from a large close-knit family where her grandmother and father were great storytellers. That’s where she gets her love for storytelling.
The author has written six award-winning bilingual picture books. Her books have the Spanish translation on the same page as the English, which makes it easier to follow the text in either English or Spanish. Her latest poem, "Shoes, Shoes, Shoes," has been published in the anthology, THANKU: POEMS OF GRATITUDE by Lerner. Her essays, Peinate: Hair Battles Between Latina Mothers & Daughters, and Latina Authors & their Muses, have been published in anthologies.
Her short story, "My Name is Dolores" is published in the 2021 book, Living Beyond Borders: Growing Up Mexican in America.. She has been a featured author at the Texas Book Festival and Reading Rock Stars.
Lupe Ruiz-Flores, who is bilingual, has always been a writer at heart. Born and raised in southwest Texas, she’s also lived in Thailand and Japan. She comes from a large close-knit family where her grandmother and father were great storytellers. That’s where she gets her love for storytelling.
The author has written six award-winning bilingual picture books. Her books have the Spanish translation on the same page as the English, which makes it easier to follow the text in either English or Spanish. Her latest poem, "Shoes, Shoes, Shoes," has been published in the anthology, THANKU: POEMS OF GRATITUDE by Lerner. Her essays, Peinate: Hair Battles Between Latina Mothers & Daughters, and Latina Authors & their Muses, have been published in anthologies.
Her short story, "My Name is Dolores" is published in the 2021 book, Living Beyond Borders: Growing Up Mexican in America.. She has been a featured author at the Texas Book Festival and Reading Rock Stars.